Monday, January 9, 2017

Award for Curatorial Excellence--call for Nominations

Please spread the word about this new award; if you know a worthy exhibition/curator, make sure to send in a nomination. 

***DEADLINE: February 6, 2017

The Arts Council of the African Studies Association (ACASA) has initiated new Awards for Curatorial Excellence, which will be granted for the first time at the Triennial Symposium in Ghana.  The deadline for applications is FEBRUARY 6, 2017.  If you have organized an exhibition of African or African Diaspora art in the last three years, please consider submitting an application.  If you’ve seen an outstanding exhibition, please urge the curators to submit an application.  To be eligible, exhibitions must have been on view between September 1, 2013 and August 30, 2016.  Exhibitions opening after August 30, 2016 will be eligible for the awards at the 2020 Triennial.  The full description of the awards, and the materials needed for the application, can be found on the ACASA website at

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