Friday, January 15, 2016

Cultural Speed Date @Prince Claus Fund

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Ayan Mahamoud (L) met Simon Kristensen (R) at Cultural Speed Date in 2011
Photo: courtesy, Prince Claus Fund

I have been so knee-jerk suspicious of managed dating, and don't even bother to ask me why. But here is one that I might in fact try out soon: it is called Cultural Speed Date and is hosted by Prince Claus Fund--the dynamic foundation based in the Netherland, and which has been at the fore front of supporting cultural projects, artists, knowledge producers, and activists all over the world. So what is going on! In any case, the speed dating blog site is still green, but there a few love stories there. Just check it out!

*Disclaimer: If you try the speed dating and things don't work out, please don't come crying to me. See your cultural therapist

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