I am still bristling, as are many Nigerians. about the cynical, desperate attempt by the government of Goodluck Jonathan to remain in power, when seeing the damning and devastating writing on his wall, he decided to postpone elections there were scheduled a long time ago for February 14. We are told that the reason for the postponement is to allow the Nigerian military focus on defeating the Boko Haram terror merchants in the next six weeks. This is a government that has shown absolutely no interest and capacity to fight this menace; a government that stuffed its ears against global clamor for something to be done to bring back abducted girls from Borno State; a government that has allowed these terrorists take over vast areas of Northeastern Nigeria, while the president is busy fattening his friends with Nigeria's oil; a government that has more or less left the task of confronting BH
inside Nigeria to neighboring countries; a PDP party that has shown such political arrogance that has done nothing but breed an unprecedented culture of impunity and official corruption; a government and party that deployed
soldiers to states in order to rig elections. In fact it has become self-evident that the reason for the postponement of the election is that the soldiers the ruling party needs to rig elections are just now busy fumbling around the Northeast, playing hide and seek with the terrorists. Given the massive deployment of soldiers to Ekiti State last year, to help the current governor rig elections, as the Ekiti Tapes, now reveal, is it any surprise that the government will need most of the Nigerian army to replicate the same criminal feat in all the 36 states?
The elections have now been postponed for six weeks; but the questions for Nigerians is this: what should be Goodluck Jonathan and his party's payment for dragging Nigeria to the precipice, just to maintain the culture of corruption that is their legacy, and for bring nothing but Badluck? What will be their reward for the
egregious attempt to damage the fragile democratic dispensation the viability of which is directly related to Nigeria's survival? Should he and his party be compensated with another four years in power? No, I don't think so!