Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Assistant Professor of African/a Studies: Pomona College

The Intercollegiate Department of Africana Studies at the ClaremontColleges invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in African/a Studies.  We seek a scholar who will contribute to the department’s mission of examining, through various academic disciplines, the experiences of people of African heritage worldwide.  The successful candidate should demonstrate a strong commitment to undergraduate liberal arts teaching and show evidence of a productive program of scholarly research.  The candidate is expected to work collaboratively in an intercollegiate setting.  The teaching load for this position is 4 courses annually and will include courses in the candidate’s area of specialty, plus Africana Studies core courses in the major.  These are: Introduction to Africana Studies, Research Methods in Africana Studies, and/or Senior Seminar.  Candidates who specialize in anthropology, art history, African literature, media studies, or music are especially encouraged to apply.  The applicant is required to have a Ph.D. by Fall 2020.  The successful candidate will have experience working with students from diverse backgrounds and a demonstrated commitment to improving higher education for underrepresented students. Send a dossier, including letter of application; curriculum vitae; transcripts; three brief statements – one addressing teaching philosophy, one addressing scholarship, and one addressing demonstrated ability to mentor a diverse student body; and three letters of recommendation. These
documents should be uploaded to academicjobsonline.org.  The contractual college for this position is Pomona College. Review of applications will begin on October 1, 2019.

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