Monday, October 15, 2018

El Anatsui at the Carnegie International 2018

Image courtesy of El Anatsui and Dee Briggs

Carnegie Museum of Art. Courtesy

Leading contemporary artist El Anatsui has just completed his latest outdoor sculpture--installed on the facade of the Carnegie Museum of Art as part of this year's Carnegie International, one of the few major, international annual exhibitions hosted in the United States. At 10 x 54 meters, this tremendous work, unprecedented in its ambition and deployment of unusual material (here aluminum printing plates from local publishers, mirrors and bottle caps), this is the work of a master at the top of his game; an artist who, come to think of it, has all but reached what one might call a state of artistic grace, a place only a few artists across generations and cultures ever get to. 
But guess what? Imagine then what he is up to in Munich where he is in the process of confronting a space twice as massive as the Carnegie Museum. Fingers crossed. Come March 2018!

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