Monday, April 30, 2018

British Museum seeks a Curator of African Collection

The British Museum is looking to recruit an experienced, energetic and dedicated individual to undertake research into, and make publicly accessible, the outstanding African collections of the British Museum as a curator in the Museum’s Department of Africa, Oceania and the Americas. The Africa collections (numbering around 100,000 objects) incorporate early pictorial material as well as significant ethnographic, historical, archaeological and contemporary art collections.
Over the last ten years, the Museum’s Africa Programme has developed collaborative partnerships with museums and heritage institutions on the African continent. The individual appointed to this role should have considerable experience working with partners in Africa and be committed to supporting this important aspect of the role.

Key areas of responsibility:

• Develop a strategic plan for the Africa collection and oversee its implementation in consultation with senior Museum staff.
• Lead major research projects on, and beyond, the African collection including projects involving external partners.
• Make the Africa collection publicly accessible for worldwide public benefit via high-profile exhibition, publication, digital, permanent display, and broadcast projects.
• Lead, manage and motivate curatorial and research teams working especially on the African collections. This includes managing performance and supporting professional development.
• Lead on upgrading the documentation of the Africa collection.

Person Specification:
The successful candidate will hold at minimum an undergraduate degree, or equivalent, in Anthropology, Art History, Archaeology or another related subject and have experience and be able to demonstrate deep knowledge of African cultures and collections. You will have a strong track record of field experience in Africa, particularly West Africa. You will have experience securing research funding and delivering research projects and publications. We are looking for someone who is an experienced manager of people, projects and budgets and has the ability to lead and manage curatorial and research teams.


Africa Oceania and the Americas

Advertising Status

Advertised internally and externally


Full time

Contract Terms





12 noon; Friday, 25 May 2018
For further information or to apply for this role, please go to

Dr Lissant Bolton | Keeper of Africa, Oceania and the Americas | British Museum 

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