Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Workshop for Emerging Africanist Scholars based on the Continent

African Studies Review Pipeline for Emerging African Scholars Workshop
In Collaboration with the African Studies Association of Africa
October 11, 2017
University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana

The African Studies Review (ASR) convenes Pipeline for Emerging African Scholars (PEAS) Workshops, in collaboration with the African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA, to stimulate, solicit, and further develop high-quality journal submissions from Africa-based scholars under the close mentorship of senior Africanists from the continent and beyond. In collaboration with the ASAA the ASR will sponsor a PEAS workshop at the University of Ghana, Legon, on October 11, 2017. Scholars who wish to submit a proposal are, ideally, post-doctoral researchers, newly minted PhDs with works-in-progress currently underway, and soon-to-submit Ph.D. students. Emerging scholars will have an opportunity to work closely with senior scholars to re-work a pre-circulated draft article.

Preliminary List of Scholar Mentors:
Wale Adebanwi, Oxford University (TBC)
Jean Allman, Washington University in St Louis
Akosua Adomako Ampofo, University of Legon
Brenda Chalfin, University of Florida (TBC)
Akosua Darkwah, University of Legon
Wangui wa Goro, African Development Bank, Abidjan (TBC)
Walter Hawthorne, Michigan State University (TBC)
Benjamin N. Lawrance, African Studies Review Editor-in-Chief
Patricia Makepe, University of Botswana
Insa Nolte, University of Birmingham (TBC)
Naaborko Sacheyfio, Dartmouth College

The broader goals of PEAS are:
  1. To increase submissions from emerging Africa-based scholars to top-rated journals, especially ASR;
  2. To improve the quality of submissions from emerging Africa-based scholars;
  3. To increase the R&R (revise and resubmission) rate from emerging Africa-based scholars;
  4. To improve access to the ASR for emerging Africa-based scholars; and,
  5. To increase participation of emerging Africa-based scholars in the review process.

Eligibility & Application Criteria:
  1. Applications may be submitted in English, French, or Portuguese BY JULY 31, 2017;
  2. All applicants shall be members of ASAA [] and shall submit an abstract for the ASAA 2017 annual conference to be held at the University of Ghana, Legon [see in English, French, and Portuguese];
  3. Ph.D. student applicants shall be in the second year of their program or higher;
  4. Early career applicants shall have completed their Ph.D. within the past five years; and,
  5. Priority shall be given to applicants from under-resourced institutions; women are particularly encouraged to apply.

Submission Process:
Applicants for a PEAS workshop must prepare the following BY JULY 31, 2017:
  1. A cover letter that outlines the applicant’s broad academic goals and interests, and gives an express commitment to revise and submit the material of the workshop to the ASR for peer-review and possible publication;
  2. A current curriculum vitae listing all educational qualifications, research funding received, pending applications, publications, and employment history;
  3. A polished draft article of between 5000-10,000 words, with complete citations;
  4. One letter of recommendation from an individual familiar with the applicant, addressed to the ASR’s Editor-in-Chief, Benjamin N. Lawrance, that includes, but is not limited to (a) confirmation that the recommender has read either the submission or previous work by the applicant; (b) an evaluation of the draft work; (c) confirmation that the recommender considers the work well enough developed to be on the path to submission to a journal; and (d) confirmation of the academic standing and progress of the applicant as represented in the accompanying CV;
  5. Either, evidence of status as a Ph.D. student, including year in program, or, for early career applicants, a letter from their Head of Department indicating their status;
  6. For early career applicants ONLY, a copy of Ph.D. certificate/diploma awarded;
The entire dossier shall be compiled as a single PDF file and submitted by email to ASAA Conference Secretariat with ASR PEAS workshop in the subject line. 

Selection Criteria:
Applicants selected for participation will be notified by the ASR’s Managing Editor after confirmation of the applicant’s ASAA registration, by SEPTEMBER 1, 2017.
All successful applicants shall receive the following:
  1. Payment of ASAA conference registration fee;
  2. Accommodation for three nights (workshop and ASAA meeting); and,
  3. Meals for three days and nights (workshop and ASAA meeting).
Applicants are responsible for their own travel and all other costs incurred. However, limited funding for travel within the continent courtesy of the Royal Air Maroc, and accommodation courtesy of the African Studies Association (USA) is available. Priority will be given to applicants from under-resourced institutions.  Women are particularly encouraged to apply. 
General queries may be directed to Kathryn Salucka or Benjamin Lawrance with ASR PEAS workshop in the subject line.

Thank you to CAAS/ACEA for assistance in French translation. Please consider attending the CAAS/ACEA annual conference at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, May 4-6, 2018. Details to be announced shortly on


  1. Scholars who wish to submit a proposal are, ideally, post-doctoral researchers, newly minted PhDs with works-in-progress currently underway, and soon-to-submit Ph.D. students. Emerging scholars will have an opportunity to work closely with senior scholars to re-work a pre-circulated draft article.

  2. Hello,

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