Saturday, December 29, 2012

Colin Richards (1954-2012)

Azania Winter (for Colin Richards, Kindred Spirit)

In Azania tonight
It is cold as Christmas
Not even Mandela birds
With tear-wet wings
Dare the dry Veld

In Azania tonight
A Songbird crashes, headlong
Into River Orange
And Silence rumbles
In the Waters of the Cape

In Azania tonight
A rainbow serpent unfurls
From the sky’s roof, and
A comet fizzles in the waters
Of mighty Limpopo

© Chika Okeke-Agulu

*Here is an obituary announcement in Art Times.

1 comment:

  1. How sad again. death's sting never grow old.I met Colins in Japan. A gentle spirit. Very soft and deep. He loved his family.
    Jerry Buhari
