Monday, November 26, 2012

Anthony Nsofor's exhibition in Lagos 

On December 8, the exhibition of my good friend Anthony Nsofor will open at the Pan-African University, Lagos. I look forward to seeing it--virtually I mean, since I won't be in Lagos during the show's one week run. Nsofor is one of the few painters from the Nsukka School whose work depended as much on the element of line--for which the School is famous--as on the sheer manipulation paint and color. His work, though bolder and more visceral, reminds me of Uche Okeke's achievement with paint in his later, 1980s gouache paintings. And in the tradition of Okeke, Obiora Udechukwu, Olu Oguibe, Blaise Gbaden, Ozioma Onuzulike, and others from Nsukka, he sure can speak for himself, about his work.
 Here is Nsofor's blog about his upcoming show. Read!  

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