Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Weekly Column in NEXT newspaper

It is probably no more a secret that I started writing a weekly column called "ART/world" for the Nigerian newspaper NEXT, published in Lagos. What does this mean for Ọfọdunka? That it has to share my bed with "ART/world". I should endeavor though to post links to the columns here in Ọfọdunka. Why "ART/world"? Precisely because it focuses--for the most part, but not exclusively--on issues of salience to the Nigerian art world and contemporary culture. So there is no chance of "ART/world" making Ọfọdunka obsolete? Yes!

Click here to access this week's "ART/world" installment:

1 comment:

  1. Chika, Follow my blogs at ndubueze.blogspot
    my blog name is the bloggerbull. I live in Denver and I'm specializing on stolen Nigerian arts
