Monday, September 3, 2007

Okigbo Conference: What is going on?

There is excitement everywhere about the Okigbo Conference taking place this month in Boston no less because of the enigma that was Chris Okigbo, and the heavyweights expected to participate in the events. That is indeed wonderful, and ordinarily I would not take anyone interested in African literature serious if she failed to be in Boston. Well, until you try to get any information about venue, accommodation, registration and such other crucial information. This epochal event has no functioning website in this day and age; one pseudo-site connected to has all but these more important bits, and from what I hear the conference program there is so outdated that it is misleading. Somewhere on the site you are incredibly told that registration for the conference has closed! It has been since three months ago when I first checked the website. And I have been told by someone who should know that that is not the case. So why don't the organizers either update or pull the site completely? To imagine that the conference is being hosted by the mighty Harvard, Boston, UMass and Wellesley! What would it have cost the organizers and hosts to create a fully functional website, to avoid the heartache many a would be participant in the deliberations must be experiencing? Not much, I dare say! In any case, whatever happens with the organizational process, it promises to be an event for the ages.


  1. Ayua!what has long killed the mother of the dog bever allows the ofsprings to open their eyes.
    dilomprizulike-thejunkmanfromafrika-from New York City.

  2. I love this blog no be small!And your critical comments...
